
My signature style of doing research is collaborative, across disciplinary boundaries, and in close partnership with practitioners.

Theoretical perspectives

Grounded in the interdisciplinary paradigm of embodied cognition, my research examines how embodied experiences inform learning and teaching in science, aiming to enhance instructional practices.

Methodological approach

My methodological expertise lies in the combination of design-based research and methods of video analyses, including multimodal interaction analysis and  video observation manuals. 

Disciplinary focus

Focusing mainly on physics and science education, my research also extends into broader STEM disciplines and educational technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

Research interests

For my latest research, please visit my Google Scholar profile or my university page.

If you are interested in collaboration or supervision opportunities, I encourage you to get in touch 🙂

Technology-enhanced education

Can immersive virtual reality enable a deeper engagement with scientific concepts? How might artificial intelligence act as collaborator and co-creator in learning processes, reshaping our understanding of scientific literacy? Embodied cognition perspectives provide a productive lens for diving into these questions, and I am excited about the potential of technologies to transform science education.

Modern & Einsteinian physics education

How do abstract concepts in modern physics become tangible in a classroom setting? Can the way we teach quantum physics and relativity improve attitudes and inspire a new generation of curious learners? In my research, I draw upon my background as a mathematical physicist to probe these questions, and I am passionate about teaching students the fundamental principles of our current scientific worldview.

Teacher education & instructional quality

What characterises good science teaching? How can we unpack the complexities of multimodal classrooms? How do different instructional approaches impact student learning? Driven by these questions, my research aims to better prepare and empower science teachers in training and practice. I hope to stimulate transformative discussions about the purpose and potential of science education in our times.