I am an award-winning educational researcher, physics educator & science communicator.

Magdalena Kersting in front of equations
(Image via Inga Sommer Photographie, All Rights Reserved)

Exploring the synergies between body and mind, I am dedicated to transforming physics and science education through embodied cognition perspectives.

Latest news

A woman in front of a landscape of physics metaphors and symbols
(Image created with Canva)

Metaphors in learning and doing physics

What distinct roles do metaphors  play when we do, learn, and teach physics? Together with Rubén Sampieri-Cábal I look for answers to this question 🙂

A symbolic landscape of general relativity, quantum physics, and string theory
(Image created with Canva)

Podcast: the theory of everything

Alongside the team from Sag mal du als Physiker, I embarked on a quest for the holy grail of physics - the legendary theory of everything. Tune into the episode 🤠

IMPRESS logo: two orange and three blue circles connected in front of a black hole
(Image created with ChatGPT)

Languages & literacies in science education

Our ESERA Special Interest Group has just published a position paper on the evolving roles of languages and literacies in science education. Check it out 🙂